
Help to improve our database

We are continuously collecting common terms used by the Emergency Medical Services practitioners across Europe. Help us improve our content and fill out the online form. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please let us know by sending us a message through our contact page.

Your feedback is important for us and it will be fed into our Database for the EMS glossary.

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To unify the communication and knowledge exchange between the emergency medical teams across Europe iProcureSecurity seeks to translate the identified EMS terms in all consortium languages.

That is why the project encourages everyone willing to contribute, to suggest and add missing terminology translation.

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Open market consultation
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Is an open dialogue between procurer(s) and the market, in which the procurers ask for the view of the market to identify the ability thereof to meet the needs of the procurer(s). All potentially interested economic operators on the market are invited to attend the open market consultation (via announcement of the open market consultation in the European Tender Database). An open market consultation will reveal whether the need is met by a readily available commercial solution or whether R&D (PCP) or close-to-market innovation (PPI) is needed to meet the need. When the solution to the need is not readily available, the open market consultation will help the public procurer to choose the right form of innovation procurement. If R&D is still required to meet the need, a PCP is the suitable choice (potentially followed by a PPI). If there are already suitable innovative solutions close to the market that have already passed the R&D stage and are ready for commercial deployment by a launch customer, a PPI is the suitable choice.

Open public bidding
Area: Emergency Medical Services

The bid opening is conducted by a public organization and can be changed or modified after submission.

Operational Picture
Area: Emergency Medical Services

An overview that is usually created from the information in the Situation Report. It serves as the basis for the initial deployment and further operational planning.

Out-of-hospital events/procedure
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Actions to stabilize a patient or initiate critically needed care in the street, home or workplace (pre-hospital intervention).

Over triage
Area: Emergency Medical Services

The misidentification of patients who have minor illnesses or injuries but who on initial assessment appear to be critically ill. Over triage is the proportion of patients not severely injured but still receiving such care.

PCP Phase
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

It is an R&D phase in the PCP. In general, there are 3 phases in a PCP project. Phase 1 comprises solution exploration, Phase 2 comprises prototyping, and Phase 3 comprises original development and testing of a limited volume of first products or services in the form of a test series.

PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online)
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

The guidelines for online acquisitions established by the European Union and 18 public authorities

Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Public procurement of Innovative Solutions

Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Public private partnership

PQQ (Pre-qualification questionnaire):
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Is intended to help public purchasers/buyers to shortlist the number of suppliers and form part of the restricted tendering procedure. PQQ includes questions regarding level of experience, capacity and financial standing.

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