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Open knowledge formBarriers and Facilitators in Interorganizational Disaster Response: Identifying Examples Across Europe
- Language: English
- Tags: Gaps and Challenges Safety and Situational Awareness
Disaster response actors are facing new challenges, which encompass not only new and ever more complex threats but also the need to collaborate across organizational boundaries and even state borders. Depending on scale, these interactions have to work across governance setups, political and legal conditions, organizational cultures, as well as personal preferences and experiences that vary among actors, organizations, and countries. But which concrete measures are taken by crisis management actors at different scales to bridge these challenges and which of these could serve others as example to address comparable challenges in their contexts? This study made attempts to analyze whether certain solutions across organizations and states exist that facilitate effective interorganizational crisis management in the member states of the European Union (EU).
In-Prep Project: Recommendations on relevant organisational, policy, social and human factors relevant for system developments
- Language: English
- Tags: Safety and Situational Awareness
This Document is set out to identify recommendations for system development based on organisational, policy, social,
and human factors. They are based on desk research and a total of nine interviews conducted with possible users of
the MRPP from within and outside the project consortium.
Education and Training of Emergency Medical Teams: Recommendations for a Global Operational Learning Framework
- Language: English
- Tags: EMS
An increasing number of international emergency medical teams are deployed to assist disasteraffected
populations worldwide. Since Haiti earthquake those teams have been criticised for ill adapted care, lack of
preparedness in addition to not coordinating with the affected country healthcare system. The Emergency Medical
Teams (EMTs) initiative, as part of the Word Health Organization’s Global Health Emergency Workforce program,
aims to address these shortcomings by improved EMT coordination, and mechanisms to ensure quality and
accountability of national and international EMTs. An essential component to reach this goal is appropriate
education and training. Multiple disaster education and training programs are available. However, most are centred
on individuals’ professional development rather than on the EMTs operational performance. Moreover, no common
overarching or standardised training frameworks exist. In this report, an expert panel review and discuss the
current approaches to disaster education and training and propose a threestep operational learning framework
that could be used for EMTs globally. The proposed framework includes the following steps: 1) ensure professional
competence and license to practice, 2) support adaptation of technical and nontechnical professional capacities
into the lowresource and emergency context and 3) prepare for an effective team performance in the field. A
combination of training methodologies is also recommended, including individual theory based education,
immersive simulations and team training.
Core Competencies in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance: A Systematic Review
- Language: English
- Tags: EMS Safety and Situational Awareness
Disaster response demands a large workforce covering diverse professional sectors. Throughout this
article, we illustrate the results of a systematic review of peer-reviewed studies to identify existing
competency sets for disaster management and humanitarian assistance that would serve as guidance
for the development of a common disaster curriculum. A systematic review of English-language articles
was performed on PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, ERIC, and Cochrane Library. Studies were
included if reporting competency domains, abilities, knowledge, skills, or attitudes for professionals
involved disaster relief or humanitarian assistance.
Identifying Deficiencies in National and Foreign Medical Team Responses Through Expert Opinion Surveys: Implications for Education and Training
- Language: English
- Tags: EMS
Unacceptable practices in the delivery of international medical assistance
are reported after every major international disaster; this raises concerns about the clinical
competence and practice of some foreign medical teams (FMTs). The aim of this study is
to explore and analyze the opinions of disaster management experts about potential
deficiencies in the art and science of national and FMTs during disasters and the impact
these opinions might have on competency-based education and training.
Guidelines to increase the benefit of social media in emergencies
- Language: English
- Tags: EMS
The guidelines aim to:
provide a concise set of recommendations that will guide emergency services to
develop their own social media strategy, plan and code of conduct
explain all the considerations before and while an emergency service uses social
media act as template of the social media strategy under development or revision
- Language: English
- Tags: The Scene Safety and Situational Awareness
Mass gatherings are vulnerable events. Dense concentration of attendees from different
countries, high visibility, event popularity, public attention, media coverage and VIPs participation pose the potential of security threats for the crowds. In this scenario, an effective communication is of prime importance for running an event smoothly and safely, preventing and mitigating harms caused by likely critical situations. It consists in preparing the
people attending the event and disseminating safety and security information both in the
pre-event and the execution phases. It also includes the communication capabilities of who
is in charge of interacting with the crowd (e.g. event organizers, Law Enforcement Agencies
officers - LEAs, first responders) to understand the target audience and their socio-cultural characteristics, deliver effective messages and enable a two-way communication with
the public. The objective is to reach a common understanding of the on-going situation, a
shared experience of what is happening, in order to properly behave, especially in case of
emergency. This is not an obvious scope, especially in case of international events, where
multicultural crowds are expected to come and many different socio-cultural factors filter
the communication and the mutual comprehension
5G Technology in Emergency Services
- Language: English
- Tags: Technology
5G will give way to the fourth
industrial revolution thanks to
leaps of innovation, creating
total technological disruption.
Connections are 10 times faster
(although laboratories have
reached speeds 250 times
higher) than the current 4G.
Thanks to this immediacy, you
can see contents with
unimaginable quality.
- Language: English
- Tags: Technology
This information was collected from news and media sources and online advice from governmental services between 19 March- 20 April. It has not been validated by the
emergency services in each country. The situation and strategies in each country is constantly changing and we will try to update this information as much as possible. This
information is intended to help emergency services in each country to learn from each other and to prepare their emergency communications services. It is not intended as a
source for the general public.
Recommendations for Emergency Services Organisations during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Language: English
- Tags: EMS
Some recommendations for Emergency Services Organisations
during the COVID-19 outbreak, presented by EENA