Webinars, outcomes and insights: PCP for EMS
Seeking to cover R&D related gaps in the EMS sectors and discuss relevant outcomes for the preparation on the upcoming European-wide Pre-Commercial (PCP) project a series of interviews and workshops were conducted, providing a framework for an in-depth discussion with internal as well as external EMS organizations and stakeholders. In this section, you will find a detailed summary of the PCP webinar held on May 20th, 2020:
Pre-Commercial Procurement For EMS
The webinar was conducted with external EMS organisations and solution providers from the EMS field in order to disseminate and discuss the findings on the various challenges and innovation needs identified through the research and knowledge exchange phases.
During the webinar, the presenter SYNYO elaborated on the opportunities to participate in the upcoming Pre-Commercial Procurement action and the benefits for the procuring and supplying organisations resulting from the process. Emphasize was placed on the evaluation criteria applied to decide on the priority areas which need to be further analysed. The main selection criteria were that the found gaps and innovation needs hold the potential for a technological innovation to be developed during a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project.
As one of the main goals of the iProcureSecurity project is to create the foundation and collect relevant information for this PCP, the created shortlist of five main areas shows a collection of challenges that are currently faced by EMS practitioners across Europe. The list includes training, triage, bystanders and emergency call centers. Based on this initial priority list the project consortium will decide on the actual challenge and innovation need that will be addressed in the PCP phase and for which all further information will be collected, including an additional in-depth market analysis for the specific niche, identification of connected ethical, legal and societal aspects to be considered and an initial set of technical requirements to be taken into account. All of this information will be used for the PCP proposal preparation and will be refined towards the end of the project to ensure that the draft tender documents can already be prepared before the PCP actually starts.
Further virtual events took place during the second project period to provide important insights for the upcoming PCP action as well as for the EMS system as a whole. An exclusive list with the recorded events and summaries can be found here: https://www.iprocuresecurity.eu/workshops/
To learn more about the ongoing work of iProcureSecurty consortium simply join our EMS Network and become a main driver of innovation in the field of Emergency Medical Services!