Triage And Treatment Of Patients In Events Of Emergency – Challenges, Gaps And Related Innovation So

Homogenisation and Artificial Intelligence systems

  • #1675


    Hello everybody,

    Within the consortium we discussed that the very crucial issue is to homogenise at European level who can prescribe treatments and drugs in situ from the EMS personnel. Which solutions can we apply accordingly?

    And what about Artificial Intelligence systems making the triage instead of or supporting humans?

  • #1694


    Hello everyone!
    The problem of homogenisation goes beyond prescription. In my opinion the first step would be to standardize which members should go in which type of ambulance and what training each of them receives (at European level).

    Once the training is homogeneous it is easier to agree which procedures or drugs can each one apply.

    About the technological solution, a decision support application could be added to the electronic patient care record. Then, when a EMS professional tries to add a prescription, it would not allow certain profiles to prescribe, dispense and administer certain drugs at the time of the emergency. Or at least request permission from the partner who has the appropriate training.

    It’s not related with this, but in case someone is not aware, there’s an ongoing european initiative about e-prescription. Following the 2011/24 Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, Europe is making a huge effort to ensure that drugs prescribed in one EU country can be dispensed in another member country. These ePrescriptions work thanks to the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure and they are expected to work throughout nearly the entire EU by the end of 2021.

    Sandra Rueda Charro, MD

  • #1695


    Thanks, for your inputs, Sandra. I agree with you on the homogenisation issue.

    Regarding e-prescriptions, it is indeed useful you’ve mentioned that. Finland and Estonia already started exchanging e-prescriptions. Within the legislative framework of the eHealth Network, there are many issues that we can monitor. Perhaps, we might want to create a new group of discussion around this topic?



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