Marketplace for Innovation Procurement Pre-Commercial Procurement leading innovation processes The Marketplace for Innovation Procurement has been…
iProcureSecurity PCP announces upcoming 6.7 million Euro procurement of innovative… The iProcureSecurity PCP project published on 16 November 2021 a Prior Information Notice to announce its…
Mutilingual EMS Glossary Effort in iProcureSecurity Project There is a growing understanding of the central role played by communication in the delivery of efficient and…
Electronic health card – now testing For years, the health care system has been developing in such a way that data is increasingly stored electronically…
Reusability of Facemasks Millions of facemasks were produced, ordered and worn since the coronavirus outbreak. Issues with reusability…
Confused about EMS terms? The iProcureSecurity Glossary is here to help you! The world of emergency medical services (or short EMS), is wide and complex. Also known as ambulance services or …
Webinar: Emergency Call Centres – Challenges, gaps and related innovative… In this webinar, iProcureSecurity provided an overview on the operating practices and dispatching processes…
News New study on the “Lazarus syndrome” The “Lazarus syndrome”, (also known as the Lazarus heart) describes the spontaneous return of a normal cardiac…
Summary: Response time in the emergency services. Systematic review Response time of emergency can be highly affected by the growth of population. This summary aims at discussing such…
News EQUILIN 061 project starts its preliminary market consultation EQUILIN 061 is an Innovation Public Procurement project, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European…