Workshops 13 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Communication Technologies for EMS This workshop took place on13rd of December 2019 Friday, between 09:00-15:00. It was organized within the scope of…
13 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Personnel, Vehicles and Equipment of EMS The next workshop was organized on 13rd of December 2019 Friday, between 09:00-15:00. It was conducted within the…
7 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, EMS Organization The third workshop took place in 13rd of December 2019 Friday, between 09:00-15:00. It was organized within the…
7 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Mass Casualty Incident and Disaster Medical… The second workshop was organized as a satellite session at the 1st International Medical Congress of Izmir…
30 November 2019, Bologna – Italy, State of Art of EMS At the fourth workshop, “State of Art of EMS”, the EMS systems of Denmark, Switzerland and Italy were presented by…
23 November 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Prehospital Cardiac Arrest Management The first workshop was organized as a satellite session at the 6th International Congress on Health-Related Quality…
12 October 2019, Verona – Italy, A format to train for Basic Mass Casualty Triage The third workshop was held as an interactive simulation incorporating characteristics of a social-psychological…
Workshops 11 October 2019, Verona – Italy, A System to Save Lives This workshop was based on a roundtable, where all the speakers discussed legislative proposals to facilitate…
11 October 2019, Verona – Italy, Lay People and Healthcare Professionals, a Link… The second workshop was based on a roundtable and sought to analyze the connection between nonprofessional rescuers…