Madrid embraces the future on personalized emergency care We are all looking forward to check how the famous 5G is going to shake our lives. Recently, in Madrid (Spain) the…
The advancement of paramedic technology Paramedics usually work in pairs – one is driving, the other is administering the patients. In general, the patient…
Innovations of the Tyrolean Rescue Service honoured The so-called "ABS briefing" enables all rescue services to use a uniform checklist to transport their patients to…
News How to improve your emergency department through Lean management Author: Sandra Rueda Charro Data: 03.09.2019 Keywords Lean, Lean management, Lean healthcare,…
Emergency call for home use and outside Seniors are confronted with different emergency situations. There are various emergency situations seniors may…
News 5G brings the hospital to the patient Thanks to digitization and 5G, the idea of ambulance as a mobile, networked hospital that comes to the patient…
When machines communicate wirelessly over 5G 5G is far more than the successor to LTE: Medical device manufacturers can use it to build their own networks and…
Use case: Evidence Based Medicine Demonstrator Today ordinary medical treatment is mostly based on personal expertise and experience of physicians, little to no…
Telemedicine in healthcare Author: Andres Castilo Data: 07.10.2019 Information and communication technologies have become a useful…
La Paz Hospital joins an European H2020 project on the seasonal flu vaccine The flu is a deadly disease which causes up to 50 million cases of illness and up to 70,000 deaths in Europe each…