01.-03.12.2021 21st Congress of the German Interdisciplinary Association for… Homepage: https://kongress.divi.de/divi-21 Program The entire spectrum of intensive care and emergency…
01.-03.12.2021 Risk Management Forum Homepage: https://www.forumriskmanagement.it/ The Forum Risk Management in Health was born with the presentation…
Community Events 25.-26.11.2021 Digital Health World Congress 2021 Homepage: https://digitalhealthcareworldcongress.com We are excited to announce 2022’s keynotes and speakers…
24.-26.11.2021 8th International Conference on Civil Protection & New… Homepage: https://safegreece.org/safegreece2021/index.php/en/ The constant objective of Safe Greece is to…
15.-18.11.2021 World Forum for Medicine Homepage: https://www.medica-tradefair.com/ After their four-day run as an in-person event, MEDICA and COMPAMED…
11.-13.11.2021 XXI National Congress of Clinical Engineers – AIIC (Milan) Homepage: https://www.convegnonazionaleaiic.it/informazioni-generali/ The first goal after COVID-19 for the…
05.-06.11.2021 4º Congreso Nacional del Consejo Español de RCP Homepage: https://congreso.cercp.org/ IN THIS VERY SPECIAL CONGRESS, THE SPANISH CPR COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO…
Community Events 27.-31.10.2021 Eusem 2021 Congress (Lisbon) Homepage: https://eusem.org/congress/the-congress-2020/the-congress Emergency Medicine is a primary specialty…
26.10.2021 XiV Italian Congress of Health Technology Assessment (SIHTA) Homepage: https://www.sihta.it/web/congresso-nazionale-2021/ In 2020, the SarsCov-2 pandemic has hit Italy hard…
24.-26.10.2021 WORLD HEALTH SUMMIT 2021 (Berlin) Homepage: https://www.worldhealthsummit.org/about/team.html The World Health Summit is one of the world’s…