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To unify the communication and knowledge exchange between the emergency medical teams across Europe iProcureSecurity seeks to translate the identified EMS terms in all consortium languages.

That is why the project encourages everyone willing to contribute, to suggest and add missing terminology translation.

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Pulse measured Oxygen saturation oximetry
Area: Emergency Medical Services

The measurement of saturation of oxygen with the use of pulse oximeter

Purchaser (also called a buyer)
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

A government department, entity or agency that is intending to purchase goods or services from a supplier.

Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

The acquisition of goods and services from third parties concerned with the agreement of terms and conditions of supply with suppliers, for those goods and services identified by the sourcing team.

Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Is the bid submitted in response to a request for quotation from a contracting authority.

Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

According to the 2014 EU State aid framework for research, development and innovation (R&D&I), in order for PCP to exclude State aid, the object of a PCP contract must fall within one or several categories of research and development defined in this framework and must be of limited duration. Additionally, it may include the development of prototypes or limited volumes of first products or services in the form of test series, but the purchase of commercial volumes of products or services must not be an object of the same contract. The R&D categories defined in the State aid framework that may be covered by PCP are fundamental research, industrial research. The different R&D categories can also be considered to correspond to Technology Readiness Levels 1 (fundamental research), 2-4 (industrial research) and 5-8 (experimental development). As PCP is driven by a specific procurement need (with a concrete use case in mind), fundamental research is not the aim of a PCP. However it is possible that in order to complete the industrial R&D needed for the PCP, some fundamental research aspects need to be further elaborated as well. Thus, PCPs typically cover activities such as solution exploration and design, prototyping, up to the original development of a limited volume of first products or services in the form of a test series.

R&D initiatives
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Activities that organizations undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services.

REGA helicopter
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Air rescue. REGA is a private, non-profit air rescue service that provides emergency medical assistance in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

RFI (request for information)
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Differs from an ITT (invitation to tender) and PQQ (pre-qualification) as these are pre-determined, while RFI is requesting information necessary to decide the procurement process. Hence, RFI typically occurs during a planning phase.

RFP (Request for proposal)
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Is submitted in an early stage in the procurement process and is commonly used when it is required technical expertise, specialized capability, or in some cases where the product or service requested do not already exist and must be developed.

RFQ (request for quotation)
Area: Pre-Commercial Procurement

Suppliers are invited to provide a quote for the provision of specific goods or services.

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