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We are continuously collecting common terms used by the Emergency Medical Services practitioners across Europe. Help us improve our content and fill out the online form. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please let us know by sending us a message through our contact page.

Your feedback is important for us and it will be fed into our Database for the EMS glossary.

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To unify the communication and knowledge exchange between the emergency medical teams across Europe iProcureSecurity seeks to translate the identified EMS terms in all consortium languages.

That is why the project encourages everyone willing to contribute, to suggest and add missing terminology translation.

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Emergency Medical Services Ecosystem
Area: Emergency Medical Services

It consists of the scene including casualties and bystanders, EMCC with appropriate communication capacities, ambulances with effective equipment and personnel and hospital emergency services. A thorough knowledge of infrastructure, service delivery, coverage, and information flow are required to determine if the EMS Ecosystem is adequate to meet the health needs of a community. The EMS Ecosystem is a system comprising all interactions among people, vehicles, equipment, training, rules and regulations in the field.

Emergency Medical Services Solutions
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Technologies used in the context of occupational health and safety, referring to rescue and emergency services that provide medical response to injured or ill people at the scene of the accident.

Emergency Medical Services System
Area: Emergency Medical Services

The EMS system encompasses a spectrum of care characterized by dedicated medical facilities at both the pre-hospital and in-hospital levels. It has to be organized in such a way as to include all necessary services—such as accurate triage, initial assessment, prompt resuscitation, efficient and effective medical management, and transport of emergency cases to definitive care.

Emergency Medical Services Training
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Training is the process of learning the skills that are needed for a particular job or activity. EMS calls for continuous medical education including basic and advanced certification programs, paper and digital materials, training tools, training centres, trainers, post-graduate courses and short courses for all EMS personnel and professionals (physician, paramedic, emergency medicine technician, nurse, driver and technical), AR, VR and MR training, online training, etc.

Emergency Medical Technician
Area: Emergency Medical Services

A specially trained medical technician certified to provide basic emergency services (as cardiopulmonary resuscitation) before and during transportation to a hospital.

Emergency Prehospital Care
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Healthcare provided on-scene at a medical emergency or major incident, and during transfer of patients to definitive care facilities

Emergency call
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Emergency calls mean calls to duty, including, but not limited to, communications from citizens, police dispatches, and personal observations by peace officers of inherently dangerous situations that demand an immediate response on the part of a peace officer.

Emergency centre
Area: Emergency Medical Services

A building used, often temporarily, to coordinate the response to an emergency and to deal with some of the problems that arise during the emergency.

Emergency equipment
Area: Emergency Medical Services

Equipment used by the first responders' teams.

Emergency health care provision
Area: Emergency Medical Services

The way inputs such as money, staff, equipment and drugs are combined to deliver emergency health interventions.

Showing 131 - 140 of 480