Innovations of the Tyrolean Rescue Service honoured
The Rescue Service in Austria was awarded for this innovation in patient safety and the quality of the health facility in Tyrol
The so-called “ABS briefing” enables all rescue services to use a uniform checklist to transport their patients to the hospital with a lower risk factor or to deliver them to the outpatient department of the hospital.
The German ABS stands for A: admission information (Aufnahmeinformation), B: accompanying information (Begleitinformation) and S: social anamnesis (Sozialanamnese). This information is to be provided at the time of admission to the clinic so that there are no errors in communication. The Austrian Patient Safety Platform has now presented the Tyrolean project with the “Austrian Patient Safety Award”. The success of the project was mainly due to the cooperation of a team of experts from the nursing and rescue services.
In addition to the “Austrian Patient Safety Award”, the innovation of the “Intubation Assistance with Device Support” was awarded a prize. This is a device base that significantly simplifies the intubation of the patient. The materials required for intubation are shown on the lower algae and it is made clear how the devices are positioned correctly. This improves the safety of handling and multiplies the possibilities of successful intubation.
[1] Meinbezirk.at: ABS-Briefing (2017): Patienten-Übergabe ohne Risiken. URL at https://www.meinbezirk.at/innsbruck/c-lokales/abs-briefing-patienten-uebergabe-ohne-risiken_a2279767