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Ageing patients as challenge for EMS. Can technology help?
The ageing population is certainly a major factor for the growing pressures in the EMS - and it is one with which all health systems in the world are struggling. Medical advances have meant that people are living longer. When the NHS was created, life expectancy was 13 years shorter than it is now. Addionally, the average 65-year-old costs the NHS 2.5 times more than the average 30-year-old. How to react to this? Are modern technologies a solution?
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- 4 years, 7 months ago
Ambulans Servisleri ve Yeni Teknolojiler
Bu grupta; Hastane Öncesi Acil Sağlık Hizmetlerindeki uluslararası boyutta gelişen teknolojiler ve yenilikler paylaşılacak ve tartışılacaktır. Bu alanda çalışan yönetici, uygulayıcı ve araştırmacıların kendi kişisel deneyimleri ve görüşlerinin paylaşılacağı ortamda ortaya çıkan sonuçlar bu alandaki çalışmaların gelişmesine katkıda bulunacaktır.
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Challenges and Barriers affecting the quality of triage management in events of medical emergencies
This group seeks to bring together all relevant stakeholders in the field of Emergency Medical Services across Europe and facilitate discussions on challenges and barriers affecting the quality of Triage Management. The insights collected through the knowledge exchange will be used to set the ground for the preparation on the upcoming Pre-Commercial Procurement action.
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- 4 years, 5 months ago
Critical Challenges And Innovation Needs Of Emergency Medical Services Identified During The COVID-1
This group was established in connection to the upcoming webinar on May 14th, 2020 which is organized by iProcureSecurity aiming to foster and sustain the knowledge exchange among EMS practitioners on the needs and technological gaps arising from their deployment during the COVID-19 crisis. The Webinar is hosted by iProcureSecurity consortium organizations with experience and background in the field of Emergency Medical Services and represents a great opportunity to discuss with other practitioners from all over Europe on main areas of innovation needs where technology can be applied to strengthen the EMS response to future crisis situations.
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- 4 years, 10 months ago
Emergency Call Centres – Challenges, gaps and related innovation solutions
In this webinar, iProcureSecurity will provide an overview on the operating practices and dispatching processes implemented by the Emergency Call Centers across Europe and shed some light on related challenges and gaps to highlight innovations which can be applied to tackle these issues. Host of the seventh edition of the project’s webinar series is Johanniter International. The webinar will be held online on September 3rd, 2020, 15:00 PM CET. To join the webinar, please click on the link below: https://bit.ly/3lzMYZh
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- 4 years, 6 months ago
Emergency medical services technolgies – advantages and disadvantages
In the course of analyzing the emergency medical services ecosystem we have created a catalogue of innovative solutions applied in the field of Emergency Medical Services. Therefore, we would like to present some of these emergency services technologies and discuss with you their advantages and disadvantages, benefits and deficiencies.
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- 4 years, 2 months ago
Emergency medical services (EMS) play a vital role in the management of public health emergencies such as an outbreak of infectious disease. Unique challenges, however, are expected to occur under these circumstances going beyond the normal conditions of operation. In the fifth edition of the iProcureSecurity webinar series different perspectives on the EMS response to COVID-19 will be discussed: Organizational, Command and Field. Host of the webinar is the Emergency Ambulance Physicians Association with a seat in Izmir, Turkey. The webinar will be held online 02.07.2020,17:00:00 PM CET.
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- 4 years, 6 months ago
EMS Logistics
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems are complex systems, characterized by significant variation in service providers, care pathways, patient case-mix and quality care indicators. The common goal for all service providers is to offer medical assistance to patients with serious injuries or illnesses as quickly as possible. Against this background this group seeks to make an overview of and analyze the logistical problems arising for EMS providers, demonstrating how some of these problems are related and intertwined.
- 3,531
- 4 years, 7 months ago
Historia Clínica Embarcada
Es fundamental contar con una historia clínica electrónica en la que los profesionales puedan registrar los datos de cada paciente, donde se puedan cargar los datos de la historia electrónica desde hospitales, atención primaria y cualquier institución que posea datos clínicos relevantes para evaluar la situación actual y el mejor tratamiento disponible. Ésta es una tarea todavía por completar y que debe incluir a los servicios de emergencias y todos los servicios de salud.
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- 4 years, 6 months ago
Innovations for Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE). The extensive use of PPE during the pandemic has revealed many disadvantages in current designs. There is a need to innovate in many ways. The input of all who have thought about what kinds of innovations are required is needed.
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- 4 years, 7 months ago
Innovative EMS Trainings – Challenges, Gaps And Possible Solutions
In this webinar, iProcureSecurity will provide an overview on how EMS organizations across Europe conduct training to build up and maintain the skills of the Emergency Medical Services personnel, shed some light on related challenges and gaps affecting the quality of the training and finally highlight innovations which can be applied to tackle these issues. Host of the fourth edition of the project’s webinar series is the Italian Resuscitation Council. The webinar will be held online on June 30th, 2020, 15:30 PM CET. To join the webinar, please click on the link below: bit.ly/2YqlQRr
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- 4 years, 8 months ago
iProcureSecurity PCP – Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems
The iProcureSecurity PCP project will lead to an innovative triage management system that provides a) quick and accurate overview of victims and their status; b) decision support for better allocation of available resources and quicker support for patients; c) improved interoperability with other first responders and relevant actors; d) reduced handover times between ambulance transport and hospitals; and e) insights for quality assurance and training measures. Following the EC Guidelines on Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), through a competitive series of design, prototype and pilot steps, the iProcureSecurity PCP will contract suppliers to deliver the creation and deployment of the envisaged triage management system. Besides the buyers within the consortium, additional observers and experts will participate to contribute to the Pan-European improvement in this field and to proactively share PCP knowledge. STAY UP TO DATE AND JOIN OUR DISCUSSIONS HERE!
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- 2 years, 6 months ago
Methodology and theory behind combining three streams*
*Methodology and theory behind combining three streams: (1) tracking, an electronic medical record and Med IS into a pan-European, if not larger "Big Data" collective that would enable certain elements of the casualty records to be used to assist a machine learning model (AI) for decision-assist systems, (2) predictive tools and (3) a process of integrated resource management.
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- 4 years, 6 months ago
Ageing patients as challenge for EMS. Can technology help?