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  • #18499


    I’ve recently came accross this solution:

    FirstResponse MDT Software

  • #16866


    If understand correctly, the European Union is now considering quite a similar system like Austrias Corona “traffic light” with different color coding:

    … that’s an interesting development, right?

    I am curious how it will differ from the Austrian one.

  • #16590


    Hey Sandra,

    This is not necessarily a “big policy”, but in Austria they are trying to establish some kind of guidance-system, based on traffic lights (“Corona ampel” -Corona-traffic light).

    It is supposed to be a tool for a uniform, coordinated, and transparent approach by the authorities. It informs the Austrian population about the risk in a certain region and also about the possible measures that are taken. Red meaning high risk, yellow meaning moderate clusters, green only few cases.

    The government states that “Depending on the epidemic situation, the Corona traffic light enables measures to be taken for all social and economic sectors. These measures can then apply to the entire federal territory, individual federal states or districts.”

    .. this is at least some kind of approach to gain control over the situation and to be more prepared than last time, not much, but kinda interesting?

    If you are interested in details (and can understand German), here is the official website:—Haeufig-gestellte-Fragen/FAQ–Corona-Ampel.html

  • #1549


    Hey everyone,

    I was searching for some applications that could improve the situation in the healthcare / EMS sector, especially in regards to the elderly. There are actually already some useful collections out there:

    10 Best Medical Apps for Seniors

    5 Easy-to-Use Health Apps for Seniors

    Senior Citizen Apps

    18 Unexpectedly Innovative Apps for Seniors

    Smartphone Apps for Seniors – Healthcare

    The best health and fitness apps for seniors

    Perhaps worth a look?

    Best Regards, John

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  John.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  John.
  • #827


    I want add as well that it is not really safe to drive or operate apparatus while using the smart glasses. The potential to become distracted by the micro screen is simply too high. There are also some concerns regarding the user’s eye strain over a protracted period. Also contentious is the potential for smart glasses users to violate privacy because of its ability to capture images, video and audio inconspicuously.

  • #826


    Hi Maria, I do agree with you that there are certain advantages of using smart glasses. Nevertheless, one needs to consider that smart glasses and in particular this model, are rather fragile, essentially having the same feel as a pair of prescription eyeglasses. In order to be able to withstand even routine use in the fire service and EMS, the smart glasses would need some level of ruggedization. Qualities such as providing eye protection, the ability to be integrated with other PPE, such as gloves and possibly even respiratory protection, and eventually even SCBA, make this an exciting possibility for firefighters and EMTs.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by  John.
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