Emergency call for home use and outside
Seniors are confronted with different emergency situations.
There are various emergency situations seniors may be confronted with inside or outside their home. Due to age-related limited physical and mental skills, older adults get in trouble more easily than younger persons. For instance, when going for a walk, seniors with beginning dementia might lose the orientation and be unable to find the way back home. Moreover, emergency situations may also occur at home. Because of decreased balance seniors may fall and be unable to get up themselves anymore or may be even injured severely. Furthermore, sudden health problems such as vertigo, hypoglycaemia or even a heart attack may be the reason why seniors need immediate aid. Beside different kinds of health problems, there are further possible emergency situations such as a burglary or a fire that demand immediate reaction. However, not only due to severe emergency situations seniors might call for help. Emergency call devices allow bedridden persons to catch the caregivers attention when they need assistance.
Devices for emergency calls
There are different devices that allow seniors to call for help immediately when they are in an emergency situation or need assistance. Provided with a device that allows them to call for help in case of emergency, older adults feel safer and can live independently without being afraid of not getting help in an emergency situation. Depending on the intended situation different types of emergency call devices are needed. If the device is used by a bedridden person to call the caregiver in the same house, a radio device is sufficient. However, if seniors live independently and want a device to call for help in case of emergency, so that they feel safe living alone, a mobile device working on long distances is demanded. The device can be either a smartphone with an emergency button or an emergency call wristband. Depending on the model, the emergency call connects the senior either to a caregiver or close relative or even to an incident room. In this way, emergency call devices allow older adults to get help as soon as possible. Not only the seniors themselves do benefit from an emergency call system, it is also a relief for their relatives. Knowing that their loved one will be able to call for help in case of emergency they do not have to worry that something will happen to them without being detected.
https://www.wegweiseralterundtechnik.de/index.php/Notruf_au%C3%9Ferhalb_des_Hauses (retrieved on 10.07.2019)
https://www.wegweiseralterundtechnik.de/index.php/Notruf_innerhalb_des_Hauses (retrieved on 10.07.2019)
https://www.help.gv.at/Portal.Node/hlpd/public/content/203/Seite.2030210.html (retrieved on 10.07.2019)
https://www.agingcare.com/articles/how-to-choose-an-emergency-alert-system-134983.htm (retrieved on 10.07.2019)