7 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Mass Casualty Incident and Disaster Medical Response
The second workshop was organized as a satellite session at the 1st International Medical Congress of Izmir Democracy University with the topic “Mass Casualty Incident and Disaster Medical Response ”. The workshop took place on 07th of December 2019, Saturday, between 13:30-17:00. Prof. Dr. A professor of Surgery from Athens, Greece was invited as a European participant. He is a general surgeon and Chair of Global Health – Disaster Management Master Program and also working as a visiting lecturer in Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Derek Ross from TCD was also invited to participate because of his background in field of Organizational Psychology. Participants from Turkey with experience in MCI and disaster medical response were also present at the workshop.
Workshop Program
Each participant present her/himself (occupation, working place, relation with EMS, etc.) followed by:
- IProcureSecurity Project presentation
- Subjects discussion:
- Emergency and Disaster Management
- Coordination of disaster teams at the scene
- Disaster Medical Rescue Teams
- Use of New Generation Technologies
- Emergency and Disaster Training Centers
- Challenges, gaps and innovation needs
7 December 2019
Izmir – Turkey