13 December 2019, Izmir – Turkey, Personnel, Vehicles and Equipment of EMS
The next workshop was organized on 13rd of December 2019 Friday, between 09:00-15:00. It was conducted within the framework of “4th Generation Technologies Symposium in Emergency Services”. Tınaztepe Galen Hospital. The symposium presented an excellent networking opportunity to disseminate on iProcureSecuirty project’s results and prepare the audience on the workshop on the next day. The director of the European Emergency Number Association EENA was invited as a European Speaker. He is President of European Emergency Number Association that is located in Brussels and also Medical Director of Athens National Ambulance Services.
The following topics were presented at the workshop:
- Introducing AAHD (and the European Projects)
- Virtual Reality in EMS Trainings
- Samples from Europa (Paris Emergency Call Center)
- Wearable Technologies in Emergency Services
- Overview of European Ambulance Services
- Emergency Call Centers and Future Technologies
- Smart Ambulances and Telemedicine
- EENA and Next Generation Technologies
- Use of Technology in Emergencies and Disasters
13 December 2019
Izmir – Turkey